About the Film

"If you save a life, you might get a chance to save their soul."
-Rev. Silvester Beaman, Pastor, Bethel AME Church, Wilmington, Delaware
‘The Gospel of Healing: Volume I ‘The Gospel of Healing: Volume I: Black Churches Respond to HIV/AIDS’(2012) is a feature length documentary film that profiles five outstanding faith-based models HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care services in primarily African-American communities.
These are first-person David and Goliath stories where everyday people of faith are doing extraordinary work to improve the health of their communities through advocacy, hosting unique education and awareness events, routine HIV-testing during church services and even operating full-service clinics inside of their churches. The film features powerful segments of commentary led by pioneering faith-based health advocates Pernessa C. Seele, Founder of the National Week of Prayer and legendary gospel singer, Bishop Yvette Funder, Pastor of the Arc of Refuge Church in San Francisco, CA.
This film was produced over 8 years by filmmaker Paul V.Grant and it has screened in more than 40 U.S. cities, earning scores of fans, regional and national media coverage, including The Washington Post; The Huffington Post;; Since the film premiered in at the 2012 International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC, the film has received national acclaim and has earned invited screenings in more than 40 U.S. cities. Producers Paul Grant and Tracey Middleton-Grant, MSW were received the Hildrous Poindexter Community Spirit Award from the Association of Black Public Health Workers at the 2012 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Carolyn Massey, health advocate and educator, explains the five essential steps to establishing faith-based health outreach ministry.
Bishop Silvester S. Beaman explains how his personal theology evolved during the early years of the AIDS pandemic. He has been an avid supporter of The Beautiful Gate Outreach Center, HIV/AIDS outreach program, led by his wife Rene Beaman at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware.
Rev. Anthony ‘Tony’ Lee explains how The Community of Hope A.M.E. Church of Hillcrest Heights, Maryland expanded from offering ‘strip club ministry.’
Rev. Debra Hickman, President and CEO of Sisters Together and Reaching, in Baltimore, Maryland,
Author, Professor, Theologian Dr. Cheryl B. Anderson discusses the cultural similarities when it comes to stigma in Black faith communities both in the United States and in Africa.
Phill Wilson, founder and former President /CEO of The Black AIDS Institute. In this clip he briefly explains what healing means to him –as a person of faith who has also lived with an HIV/AIDS diagnoses for more than 30 years.